September 2022
To maintain the longevity and excellent aesthetic result of teeth whitening over time, you need to remember certain rules:
To maintain the longevity and excellent aesthetic result of teeth whitening over time, you need to remember certain rules:
Guidelines for proper oral care in periodontal patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
1. Brushing teeth at least twice a day and ideally after every meal. 2. Change your toothbrush change at least every 2-3 months. 3. Daily use of interdental brushes and/or dental floss when possible (applicable for patients undergoing invisalign therapy or something similar)
July 2022
If I drink bottled water, do I get enough fluoride?
If bottled water is the main source for your daily water intake then you may not be getting enough fluoride. While fluoride is added to public water supplies in most areas to reduce caries, most bottled water does not contain the required amount of fluoride (0.7 to 1.2 percent). Some of the factors that affect whether you take in the necessary amount of fluoride are:
Dental wound - Ejaculation
What to do if a tooth gets completely out of place, after injury. Instructions for permanent tooth extraction:
June 2022
Instructions after tooth extraction
For better wound healing and avoidance of side effects, please follow the instructions below:
May 2022
5 tips so that your child is not afraid of the dentist
Is there a way to make the child overcome the fear of visiting the dentist? Of course! Follow the advice of the expert and you will soon see that your child may end up finally liking the dental chair!
Gingivitis treatment
Gingivitis is an inflammation that develops in the gums due to insufficient removal of the microbial agent, which is called dental plaque. The most common symptoms are a change in gum’s color to dark red, bad breath and bleeding both
The best psychotherapy is a nice smile
In today's living conditions, losing our smile is very easy. The person who does not smile suffers mentally, but also physically. It is an expression of sadness, which can also lead to depression. One of the causes
April 2022
I do not have beautiful teeth ... How can I accept and at the same time improve the image of my teeth?
1) Recognize and accept the problems of your teeth We refer to your admission that there is a problem, big or small and on the other hand, in the dental examination that can reveal problems that may not be visible
March 2022
Trigeminal neuralgia
The trigeminal nerve is the main aesthetic nerve that innervates the face. The pain in trigeminal neuralgia has very special features. The pain is very strong, it appears suddenly and stops suddenly. It lasts from 2 seconds
Πλέον υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να τοποθετηθούν τα εμφυτεύματα με μία πολύ απλή διαδικασία χωρίς τη δημιουργία τομής στα ούλα χάρη στην καθοδηγούμενη χειρουργική. Η διαδικασία έχει ως εξής: σχεδιάζεται μέσα από ένα ειδικό λογισμικό ένας νάρθηκας αξιοποιώντας τις πληροφορίες ενός...
What happens when you grind your teeth while you sleep?
Grinding your teeth is habit that is called bruxism and can cause many problems: from tooth abrasion to changes in the appearance of the person and even severe headaches. The pressure we put on our teeth when we grind them is 10 times higher than when we chew and if it is done repeatedly and for long periods of time it can cause permanent damage on our teeth and our appearance.
The importance of Oral Hygiene
Prevention is always better than treatment. By only dedicating a few minutes every day for teeth brushing, we can save the hassle of dental treatment and the high costs involved. It is important
February 2022
How does your diet affect the health of your teeth?
Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all food groups promotes healthy teeth and gums. A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, proteins, cereals and dairy provides essential nutrients for optimal oral health as well as general health.
December 2021
Do you brush your teeth properly?
Learn the 5 most common mistakes we make when brushing our teeth.
How can I tell if I have periodontitis?
Did you know that gum health is associated with a "nice smile" but is also a "barometer" for the health of other body systems? Let's start from the beginning. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the 2 most common diseases of the gums. Gingivitis affects...
December 2019
The treatment of osteoporosis helps you to maintain your teeth
Experts say that treatment of osteoporosis can prevent tooth loss due to bone loss. There is indeed a link between periodontitis and osteoporosis. In fact, older women (who are shortly before or after menopause) are at greater risk of losing both bone density and their teeth. On this subject, however, we need more scientific evidence.
Do you want to have a periodontal test?
Do you have friends and acquaintances who suffer from periodontitis and you are wondering if you suffer too? A simple test will give you the answer: Do your gums bleed when brushing? Have you noticed that one or more of your teeth are shaking? Does your gums ...
If you suffer from allergies, inform your dentist!
If you suffer from food allergies or other types, you will surely be used to watching at gatherings with friends, in the supermarket, in restaurants or any other place so that you will not buy or not to be served something you are allergic to. There is...
Piezosurgery unit
In our practice we work with a potent piezosurgery device by Acteon. It is a valuable bone cutting aid in specialized surgical techniques. Specifically, it is applicable to atraumatic tooth extractions in areas that will receive dental implants, ridge splinting procedures, autogenous graft harvesting from the chin or the mandible, and, of course, to open and closed sinus elevations.
Oral health tips to make you look younger
Try to keep your teeth glittery white and remove wrinkles around the mouth (e.g. with Botox or hyaluronic acid). That alone will make you look 5 to 7 years younger.
November 2019
Honey: an antimicrobial product
Εκτός από όλες τις άλλες ευεγερτικές ιδιότητες του μελιού για την υγεία μας, πρόσφατα μια έρευνα το συνέδεσε με αντιμικροβιακή δράση κατά των υπεύθυνων μικροβίων για νόσους του περιοδοντίου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα οι ερευνητές εξέτασαν και συνέκριναν την αντιβακτηριδιακή δράση του...
The success of implants depends on both the patient and the treating physician
Μια νέα έρευνα από ερευνητές της οδοντιατρικής σχολής του πανεπιστημίου Loma Linda δημοσιεύτηκε πρόσφατα στο Journal of Oral Implantology και φέρνει στο φως στοιχεία για το ποια χαρακτηριστικά τόσο του ασθενή όσο και του χειρουργού μπορούν να επηρεάσουν την επιτυχία των εμφυτευμάτων ...
Dry mouth: a very annoying symptom
Η ξηροστομία (δηλαδή πολύ απλά η αίσθηση στεγνού και ξηρού στόματος) είναι μια πολύ ενοχλητική κατάσταση. Άνθρωποι που πάσχουν από ξηροστομία δυσκολεύονται πολύ στη μάσηση και την κατάποση και πολύ συχνά βιώνουν διαταραχές και στην αίσθηση της γεύσης. Ακόμα...