Cookies Policy
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small data files that are stored on our computer in the browser memory after we visit some websites. The cookie does not contain or collect information individually, but when read by a server, it provides information in order to make the visitor's browsing the web site more user friendly by recording, among other things, user preferences, crawling errors and / or statistics collection. The cookie does not harm the visitor's computer and information that identifies people is not stored when browsing on any site that uses this policy. Full use of our site requires the acceptance of cookies. If you wish to disable cookies, you may still be able to browse the site. However, some of its features may be disabled. Most browsers (eg Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome) have cookies enabled automatically. You can adjust the degree to which cookies are accessed in each browser. Once you make no changes, it automatically means that the visitor is accepting the default browser settings and that he or she agrees with our cookie policy.
How to we use cookies?
There are several types of cookies that fall into the following categories:
- Session cookies: are automatically deleted at the end of each visit.
- Permanent cookies: remain during many visits to the site.
- Third-party cookies (3 rd -party cookies): used by affiliate websites that are embedded within our site or on which we connect to.
Session cookies
These cookies allow the visitor to use features of the website, such as the reminder of a repeated domain formatting in a browser. In addition, they help by limiting the need for information to be transmitted across the Internet. They are not stored on the computer and expire when you interrupt your browsing session.
Permanent cookies
Permanent cookies are used to identify new visitors to the site. These cookies consist of specific browsing information, such as how the visitor arrived at the site, the internal pages visited, the choices made, and the means followed.
Third-party cookies
Our site does not use cookies in this category.
Cookies Management
Enable or disable cookies
If you do not know the type and version of the browser you are using to access the Internet, click 'Help' at the top of the browser pane, and then click 'About'. Then the relevant information you want will be displayed.
More information
For further information on cookies you can visit the following web pages: